Crackling sound ༒༒༒

  • The tree was bent almost double ‘By the strong draft of wind
  • leaves make a dry crackling sound ‘Blowing in the wind
  • Time had dimmed the lights dimmed ‘Left a dark stain
  • hard to deal with a hardheaded
  • the mountain air brought a dim figure in the distance

  • I get the feel of heat and light ‘I experienced break or crack
  • now a natural power is empowered
  • so deal a hard blow, the crack of a blister
  • take GPS guidance, see between the angry sea ‘See old ironsides ‘ 44- gun frigate
  • hear a click; see how loud it is pointed at your head

  • You drop the bomb ‘I wasn’t hit
  • I load a light cuz I often survived the drop from height
  • now am dropping a hint ‘expecting the drop
  • would be successful to hit the land and brings a new crop

  • We had to recount all the history ‘It gives a detailed account of a violent death
  • to think about death consciously ‘call it the ‘Book of the Dead’ not the history
  • Again, some countries died a painful death
  • like always the terrible news ended hopes ‘media control the people
  • but let’s not stop doing arduous work
  • cuz even when something ends, it’s not the death of all plans
  • hold up to the end, the ends justify the means

  • You hared down the grave ‘with the frigid fare
  • a thrill of surprise shot through the body
  • if somehow you lost in the game of society
  • dug a pit to bury the body
  • hitherto, this is the road everybody have walked
  • and get ready to fire up ‘you are somebody
  • what you are afraid of ‘anybody can reach the top

  • When you die-you die ‘generation dies
  • things happen in the earth and sky
  • things die with the deceptive calm in the eye
  • so chin up ‘must and most never let your hope die
  • and engage yourself in a crusade for a certain cause
  • like the boxer picked himself up off the canvas
  • it ain’t over till the last bell die

  • October always hesitates and evades ‘Taking a direction it wishes
  • brainwashed thinking has gradually begun to change
  • I might look a bit odd doing it ‘revolt it
  • I’m just flossing my shit
  • a human being has been taken over by electromechanical devices
  • and they deceive the money out of the blind man
  • it is somber ‘those people who can-do the candid
  • those who raised wars on poverty, not poor people
  • Who fought with the poor-minded people ‘not poor people
  • Who fought for the rural people ‘not with the rural people
  • Who gave a measly tip to not to show your superiority when there is a severe worldwide depression
  • is also gone with the wind.

Its all about hit-or-miss
Something has to gone away in our plans
Whether we hit-or-miss
You are no preparation
To draw a appropriate conclusions 
If you can interpret them in a good way ‘use it

If you interpret it at your own risk ‘lose it.
 signing off


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