The Alpha And The Omega
It's true, life has its ups and
my new post was/is up_
i go in - the site was offline, the server was/is down,
to explore the open-access site
i cast my request in very polite language
but, what was regarded is rejected,
an unjust judge lodged in one's brain
that morality without technology is impotent
i say' lets forget this whole in a funny way
they raised another questions for the day
i say 'only the time will tell- what is important,
they gave it a rave, they cut short- they count the ticks of the clock
i looked backward to the foundation of the world of high-tech
i tried to pick the bone- when its hard to digest, and it helped clear my head
the bones are in the toilet,
it deaden my sound
my sense of smell failed me this time
i draw a smile of a ghost on my face
the fire flared up and died down once again,
but everyone takes a dig at every chance they gets
a feeling of blow on the head,
wait- i can grow new brain cells
i just started, i don't have time to wash away the tricky Dick.
"Alter the base metal for the insertion of a plug
a clash of opinion was responsible for many blocked."
-----------------------------"here we enter the region of opinion"
Bro, i can grow new brain cells if there is no poison in my brain
if there is one, suck on a straw the poison from my brain
if there is more, throw out on my ear- knock my socks off or knock me over
struck a mighty blow and arrest the progress of the currency of a slang term
or struck the measure to crippled my efforts or drop everything into the acid bath
if there is none, i'll add everything to my score and will settle later,
i'll trigger a reaction to shoot back the blow of the attack to top of the pack to mess it all up.
the brain is in gear, so hook up the components of the new sound system-
the thing is that we may not right all the time
so i would be fool to send these message to the masses
so disregard the errors, i wouldn't put it that way.
A lapse of 5 weeks between previous one crap
in between i jotted in everything on a scrap of paper
to put together a portfolio of my work
to print the truth, pro bono done for free ' a legacy of my family tree
so focus and set the lifelike images within your mind
or open a new window.
A tremendous fact in human experience is that
we always scrapping over something, to survive the great test of battle
everyone wants to feel a part of something bigger than themselves
cuz it was built on a base of solid rock
every episode has its double or treble meaning
everyone have a grain of truth in what they said
i'm explaining something that is not immediately obvious
for the creation of tradition of egalitarianism,
turn a page of different books
different pages don't agree in many details
we assumed for a long time only important event of the century
but there's only struggle for the supremacy
see im pursuing a general program of understanding
your personal feelings may color different judgement.
every mouth is spitting, making fun of others.
disease can spread, iron may rust
your mouth is sick, you need another mandibular notch
to highten the tension, we all do this shit,
you never know, someday from somewhere comes another mouth
and makes fun of your mother or daughter or father
we never see' there's always a skeleton somewhere in our/ your family's closet,
experiences shape the events
we all do mistakes, that's why we are human
that's how we all learn
that's how mistakes are followed by corrections,
deep in our happy faces lives the silent wound
so understand sometimes you have to press your experience
mentioning everything here might reopen the silent wound
cuz after all human nature is weak.
you are helpless under the reign of your egotism
that way you never achieve a final resolution
you'll never find a peaceful solution,
' maybe something's wrong in our way of believing
see ' im also doing the same thing.
The world's a stage
so open new avenues of understanding
to measure all the major misunderstanding.
Pot smokers claim it hightens their awareness
all i could see is large shadow
all i could say ' don't follow the human with the binoculars
follow with the eyes or the mind'
all rest ' none of my business',
but you must compete in a trial of skill
all they care about is the outcome of the race
I know you can get through many progressive stages
all you need to move your ass and starts from where you are
and one day you'll get the stage to set the stage
doesn't matter who the fuck you are,
though never been to sky
but i can tell ' there's no pie in the sky
reach to the top, but when we meet
do improve the tone of the meeting.
and sorry if my tone became menacing
sorry for using language so vulgar, i know it should have been edited
i know you understand.. everything seemed to have little to do with the text.
"to wash away a black lie
The Tribal rain a necessities of life is here
to send a message of hope for suffering humanity."
~~(( may the force be with you ))~~
-------------------- " here we got the first bullet of a rain"
An eminent mountains clothed in crowded trees
leaves 'turning green' or tinged red,
the spirits of the mountain called the wild birds in the air
had a smell of treason, the birds are fewer this year
now the cloud of suspicion hangs on my head
some fuckers thrown many objects forcefully in the air.
Iam speculating " God knows all and how to manage everything"
a spell of good weather, a patch of bad weather
the simple passage of time is enough for the simple truth
so you better don't fool around with mountains.
The sky walked forward into the heart of cloud
following the same rules as in primal eras before the appearance of life on earth,
the tall tree gave clear indications of an approaching storm
the restlessness of the wind whipped the tall grass in the wind,
As the thunder started, the answer was clouded,
cloud encompasses all the dim origins of life
the answers must be behind this mysterious clouds and his threatening behaviour,
a bit of rock caught me in the eye
during the turning of the wind
now i got into a terrible scrap
if i could, i would have shot an arrow into the sky
to shake the cloud, to end the world with a bang.
the blasting effects hit to my face a needles of sleet
rain has just started, roads are slickest,
watching the blow of the attack
every moisture sucked up by the sun
is returned as fertilizing rain,
rain hail to tell ' nothing is changed
it bring to the ground a little hope of rescue.
the weather improved toward evening
the ugly black clouds lifted
the wan sun cast friendly shadow through the fog
the settling sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds,
as the sun moved he readjusted the shade
by micrometeuric material in space,
long night, long power cut and a candle lit by my side
with a single puff i blew out the candles
to shuffled out of the room,
i'm going out in the tide and fog
to take risks to the total conquest of space.
the still of the night, the emptiness of outer space
stars are also out of my sight
the streets unlighted,an unlit cigarette
winding roads are full of surprises,
the wind swayed the trees suddenly
now i need a boost and booster dose over these tortuous road
shaken up but there's always fear but am all right
a movement up and down or back and forth in the dark
dark tested my ability to locate objects in space, depending totally on touch and senses,
a faint spot of light in the night is the natural effects in the world
how everything's in right place remains one of nature's secret
the situaton called for a strong measure
there is no similarity between creature and creator.
"still in the woods relieving the pressure and the stress
though rough but ready for the purpose at hand,
to enhance my enjoyment, a worldly plane
bring to me ' a ridge around the edge'-
the best of " All the world knows the ' Losar'" ."
~~(( don't fool around with mountains ))~~
--------------------------" Here we enter the season of Losar"
anticipation produced in us a sensation,
Now I reached to a point, where balmy days and nights are in my custody
where i could survey the whole street
but every freedom and rights we got implies a responsibility.
The work keeps piling up
but it's the time to pause in uncertainty
it's the time to keep minutes and lose hours
it's the day of rest in this life,
so let's tune into the moment of brightness
all the comforts of home and also a natural state of rest
but consciousness of the world is not suspended.
im walking to my another home with a slow dragging local- focal motion
and am still in the womb of time that will persist unaltered through time,
finally curtain rose and disclose a stunning set
new road created a new hamlet
my place is accommodating the new results with the existing theories
also defining values of itself according to the shifting necessities of life,
this side of the hill is right smart.
I need to pause for yet another cause
the wolf was tamed and evolved into the house dog
things are calm and paused
understanding the hindsight and foresight is always better
the untroubled kingdom quiet the dragons of worry and fear.
the autochthonal place and people and folktales
ignoring the stresses and strains of life,
some drowned their trouble in alcohol
blunt talking and straight shooting, but they unite after the collide
someone suddenly felt faint 'light-headed with wine
while some television viewers discovered a new star
some gave me silent consent.
I need silence in my privy place to rest and think
' I got more than what i need
all rest' am gonna earn with my make-believe deed',
and thanks to all those who helped us on the way
we didn't and won't forget,
somewhere between hope and fear
i'll let things unfold in their own way and own time
i'll keep a firm grip on the two-three priorities
and will do the metamorphosis of every old things into something new and exciting,
though i cannot narrow down the rules for this game
but i keep intact my roots, preserving the customs
from one generation to the next
until there seems no reason to go ahead,
though the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
but keep watch for some anticipated event
the winning score will come with less than a minute left to play.
we will be here from Alpha to the omega
to tour a turn of work
serving mostly the perception of our own needs and interest
and when our turn is over
we'll let you stand in to take your turn,
just know- the universe is neither hostile nor friendly
it is simply upto you
whether you choose to do it or not
is a matter that is simply upto you,
now give your ears to hear and imprint the special features of our time
' every damn new things will go obsolete in between months.
from the beginning even the egalitarian don't favour a classless society
efforts were/are on , but it's just the illusory effort of a man who exploits man,
we have inherited every best pattern of the east and west
yet best is still at rest state.
I see the road ahead, but i couldn't see the lights of a town ahead
i see the heads of the people staring straight ahead
but i couldn't see the road ahead.
so dear gentlemen in an around my town-
do enjoy your huge private incomes and huge salaries
but don't make our life a business all the time.
the continuance of something begun with a view to its completion
your front doors is of solid glass ,so you can jump from one thing to another
just don't jump directly to a conclusion.
All the world's a stage,where passengers ride up and down
my front door's bricked up, so send me an account of what i owe
i will come when i can and blow the walls to tumbling down.
~~(( Preserve the peace in the family))
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